is developed, maintained and updated by a group of enthusiasts that provide independent reviews and opinions of various automotive products.
Every piece of content you find on this website has been composed by our expert team of automotive journalists. We do not allow any guest authors to post on our site and the reviews, guides and other content are written entirely by us.
In order to ensure our content is the best that it can possibly be, each article goes through various checks before it's posted. We also regularly check all the articles to ensure our guides are up to date and the products we recommend are still the best and worth recommending to our audience.
Unlike other websites that are managed by people who have never picked up a wrench or worked on their own car, we are the complete opposite. We have our own garage with a car lift installed, which we use to test products for the website. The photo you see above is our very own garage, which you may see in many of the articles posted on ProCarReviews.
Pro Car Reviews was founded in March 2016 by Dan, who is an automotive journalist with a vast amount of experience. With a passion for cars, developing websites and writing, ProCarReviews grew rapidly and is now one of the leading automotive resources online.
There is a team behind the scenes that help find the latest products to test or research and ensure they are worthy of a mention.
All the articles that are posted upon the website are targeted towards the automotive industry. Therefore, the content you will find includes reviews, buying guides and tutorials for cars, trucks, RV’s, garage improvements, tools and any other vehicles on the road.
Every article is produced by our team and with no third party involvement. We want to ensure that the content meets our high standards and is suitable for our target audience. We have thousands of new articles in the pipeline and we are excited to see what you think.
Our end goal is to be the best online resource for automotive products and tutorials. If you spot anything that we have not covered, please get in touch and we will schedule it into our diary.
As mentioned above, all the articles published by our team is thoroughly checked beforehand.
This is to ensure that the content is of high quality and satisfies the needs of the reader. The first stage involves hours of research via online resources, enthusiasts forums, magazines and big automotive brands in order to find the latest products available.
The automotive industry is fast moving in terms of technology and this allows our team to keep up to date.
Once we have found the products, we will begin to research into their functionality, features and whether they are worth recommending or not. Where possible, we even go out and purchase the products to test in order to provide detailed reviews. However, if it isn't possible, we use our experience, brand reputation and the specification of the product to decide if it's worth recommending. Along with reviews, we often provide a tutorial on how to use the product, which many readers find helpful.
After all the reviews have been completed, we will include a buying guide below. This will help readers make an informed buying decision and further improve their knowledge.
We take great pride in the content that we produce and ensure that we cover absolutely everything about the product. We attempt to post our latest work on all of our social media platforms but our Instagram page is the most active. Our team post products that are currently under testing, results and general photos regarding the automotive industry.
If you have any questions regarding what we do or who we are, then reach out to us via our contact form or email us directly at [email protected]. We aim to respond to all queries within 24 hours.
As mentioned above, we aim to test out as many products as possible within our reviews. This gives us the best chance of providing as much valuable information as possible.
Unlike other sites that use guesswork, we are automotive enthusiasts ourselves. This gives us an added advantage over other untrustworthy sites as we know which brands are reputable and known for producing the best results.
In order for our team to spend hours researching the products, the website is reader-supported. We may earn commission on sales through our links at no extra cost to you. You can read more about how we earn money via our earnings disclaimer.